United Way of El Dorado

Volunteer Board Leadership

The Board of Directors is ultimately accountable for the United Way of El Dorado's performance, reputation, and stature in the community. Through excellence in organizational leadership and governance, United Way is a mission- driven organization, Where staff and volunteers are passionate, focused, and aligned to achieve goals. The volunteer board of directors is effective in setting direction for the organization, ensuring necessary resources are available, and providing oversight of programs, finances,legal compliance and values.

Have you ever wanted to get more involved in your community to help make a difference?

Then you should consider being a part of United Way of El Dorado!

By becoming a member, you are joining our team to help fight the betterment of education, income, and health for a better quality of life for many local citizens of El Dorado. You will be an important part of helping to build a community Each year, members of United Way of El Dorado are nominated to serve on the Board of Directors through the Nominating Committee and approved by the United Way Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meet once monthly or once every other month from 12 to 1 PM and meetings are no longer than one hour. During the meetings the board discuss upcoming events, volunteer needs, campaign events, etc.

Click here to download Board of Directors Interest Form

Board Members & Staff